
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

HOWTO: Change U Mobile Broadband DNS

UPDATE NOVEMBER 23: No longer a U Mobile subscriber so this one is probably outdated info. It won't hurt to try though.

How to change U Mobile DNS (if you're using the dialer that comes with the modem)

1. Go to the U Mobile installation directory (i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\Umobile Connect Manager)
2. Look for the file NetworkCfg.xml
3. Edit that file to look like this (i'm using Google DNS)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<NetworkConfig isNDIS="0" canbeDelete="0" isPreferred="1">
 <ConfigFileName>Umobile Internet(SYSTEM)</ConfigFileName>

<NetworkConfig canbeDelete="0" isPreferred="0">
 <ConfigFileName>Umobile Internet</ConfigFileName>

Basically you edit the following:
AutoGetDNS = 0
MainDNS = or your favorite DNS service
StandbyDNS = or your favorite DNS service